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As we do, I wrote a simple little game document, trying out some different mechanics, integrated with Mark of the Odd.

Why? I have quite come to enjoy the d20 roll under. Having bonuses from items is fun, but i struggle with it. I suppose as a solo player, less math and tracking the better. However, I fundamentally think the 3 stats is a just a bit limiting, so I incorporate Toughness. I distinguish Strength and Toughness. One for feats of strength, like carrying, moving, pushing, shoving, opening. Toughness for resisting weather, hunger, poison....a Constitution I suppose.

For combat, just playing around here with integrating to hit with damage in one. Also, instead of tracking banks of HP, I want to see about fewer tracking ie Wounds.

I am sure these thoughts are flawed and useless and most certainly not original, hence the free price. Just having some fun with ideas.

Borrowing from ItO, Down We Go for it's elegant monster categories, some savage worlds, and a nice solo oracle from Chacalypse. I like this oracle because the d20 rolls similar to percentile. giving you a quick visual of the spectrum on degree of yes and no. It's simple Random Event qualifier happens just enough to shake up your narrative. I am taking the inventory system from The Vanilla Game and some general inspiration from 24XX. 

Published 15 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
AuthorPerplexing Ruins


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Simple Hack.pdf 550 kB
Simple Hack Large Sheet.pdf 12 kB

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