Action / Object Spell table now included

I had forgotten to add the Action/Object tables for spell creation. Thought initially they could be taken from the event subject table, but this is better. More options!


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For magic, am I to assume you'd make a Willpower attack to cast successfully? What about opponent/monster saves? Or is the Willpower success used to overcome resistance/armor in this case?

There's not much to assume. As for saves I havent integrated that, and may not. I may. Still making little changes here and there. And as of now, I have it that passing the WP test is successfully making the magic attack. Deals 1 Wound or casts the effect

Very good, I figured the simplest method was it based on the rest of what you've written. I'm thinking of classic "save for half damage" and resisting things like sleep spells. But if we're thinking KISS, then I'm all for that. It helps one kick some butt instead of being denied half the time!

I am just now seeing in this dialog, the image I posted did not show up....It was a screen cap, showing the Magic section of the text...sorry about that. Yes, it's a full WIL save to cast. I don't have the saves in here (as of yet), yes, to give players the advantage I suppose. but now I may find a way to give them a save....thank you for the posts